Diablo 4 players are facing adjustments to the Corpse Explosion Lucky Hit Chance (LHC) following a recent update. The changes in version 1.3 have impacted the game mechanics associated with BCE, particularly in terms of LHC percentages. In this guide, we’ll explore the modifications and discuss strategies to compensate for the adjustments.

Before Version 1.3

Prior to the update, players enjoyed a standard LHC bonus of approximately 63% with a Wand, coupled with a base BCE LHC of 40%. This resulted in the following calculations:

1, BCE LHC: ~65.2%
With boots/elixir: ~79.2%

Furthermore, the Decrepify Cooldown Reduction (CDR) had a 15% chance trigger effect, leading to the following probabilities:

1, CDR chance: ~9.78%
With boots/elixir: ~11.88%

After Version 1.3

Post-update, the BCE LHC underwent a reduction:

1, BCE LHC: ~40.75%
With boots/elixir: ~49.5%

The corresponding Decrepify CDR chances were adjusted as follows:

2, CDR chance: ~6.11%
With boots/elixir: ~7.425%

It’s important to note that these values may involve rounding, especially in tooltips, contributing to a noticeable drop in percentages.

Optimization Possibilities

Despite the decrease, players can explore ways to optimize their builds. The LHC bonus can potentially be increased by incorporating the LHC during barrier stat. Items such as amulets, off-hands, helmets, and Soulbrand may contribute to boosting LHC. While Soulbrand might be less popular due to the absence of an armor affix, it can still be a valuable addition for enhancing BCE interactions.

Impact on Builds

The reduced BCE LHC percentages may concern players relying on BCE for lucky hit interactions. While it is a significant drop, it may not necessarily render any build ineffective. Certain items, like X’fals, might experience a moderate hindrance, but the overall impact seems manageable.

Observations on Soulbrand

There are observations regarding the Soulbrand item, indicating that its proc behavior might be non-intuitive or possibly affected by a bug. Players have reported that it doesn’t trigger as consistently as expected and tends to activate multiple times in spurts. This suggests that there might be additional factors influencing the behavior of specific items, contributing to the overall complexity of the game mechanics.

In conclusion, the Corpse Explosion LHC nerf in Diablo 4 version 1.3 introduces adjustments that players need to adapt to. While there is a noticeable drop in BCE LHC percentages, it’s not necessarily a game-breaking change. Exploring optimization possibilities and understanding the intricacies of specific items, such as Soulbrand, can help players fine-tune their builds and continue to enjoy the game. As the Diablo 4 community navigates through these adjustments, further insights and strategies may emerge, enhancing the overall gaming experience.

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