If you’ve been on the lookout for the elusive Drunk General Jallen in the vast world of Ravendawn Online, your quest is about to get a whole lot more interesting. In this guide, we’ll unveil the hidden path to finding this mysterious character, and the unique challenges that await you on the journey.

The Corses Ambrosia:

Your first step in this captivating adventure is obtaining a rare item known as the Corses Ambrosia. This sought-after elixir doesn’t come cheap, with its current market value hovering around a whopping 100,000 in-game currency Ravendawn silver. Beware, though – the Corses Ambrosia is categorized as a trash item, meaning a momentary lapse of attention could lead to accidentally selling it to the collector. Exercise caution and keep a keen eye on your inventory!

Mount Shiver: The Starting Point

Now armed with the Corses Ambrosia, make your way to Mount Shiver, the place where you initially crossed paths with General Jallen. Instead of ascending the mountain as you might have done before, head to the top right and locate a room that holds the key to your next encounter.

In this secluded room, you’ll find a table that demands interaction with the Corses Ambrosia. The moment you engage with the table, General Jallen will start spawning, marking the beginning of a thrilling face-off. There’s a catch, though – you must be at least level 30 in your archetype to interact with the table successfully. A lower archetype level will result in a dismissive message claiming you’re too low, emphasizing the significance of reaching archetype level 30.

Understanding Archetype Levels:

For those unfamiliar with archetype levels, they play a pivotal role in determining your character’s progress and capabilities in Ravendawn Online. Your overall level and archetype level are not the same. In our hero’s case, being level 29 while boasting a commendable archetype level of 37 wasn’t sufficient to unlock the interaction with the table. The lesson here is clear – to embark on this quest, you must attain the coveted archetype level 30.

The Encounter with Drunk General Jallen:

Once you’ve successfully interacted with the table, the epic confrontation with Drunk General Jallen begins. Despite the anticipation, the fight itself is not overly challenging. Many players report being able to solo the encounter without much difficulty. However, if you’re feeling social or wish to share the spoils, bringing along friends is always a good idea.

General Jallen’s lair is now open for exploration. Head to the Northwest part of the island, where you’ll find a cave entrance guarded by a mysterious character. Engage in conversation with this enigmatic figure, and he will grant you access to a subterranean world teeming with level 51 sharks. The significance of this underwater realm and the challenges it poses remain a mystery, leaving players intrigued and eager to discover the secrets hidden beneath the surface.

The Future Awaits:

As our journey for Drunk General Jallen concludes, the true implications of this quest are yet to be unveiled. The cave filled with level 51 sharks hints at untold adventures and potential rewards that only the bravest and most skilled players can uncover. Ravendawn Online, with its ever-expanding world, promises exciting developments and challenges in the future.


In the realm of Ravendawn Online, the pursuit of Drunk General Jallen is a testament to the game’s intricate storytelling and the thrill of uncovering hidden treasures. With the Corses Ambrosia as your key and archetype level 30 as your ticket, the encounter with General Jallen is a unique experience that adds depth to your gaming journey. So, don your virtual armor, gather your allies, and embark on this exciting quest that promises more surprises and adventures in the ever-evolving world of Ravendawn Online. Until next time, fellow gamers, may your quests be epic and your victories legendary!