In this content-packed session, we will delve into the intricate world of traits in Throne of Liberty, a crucial aspect that can make or break your early-game success. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer to the realm, understanding traits, their mechanics, and how to utilize them effectively will undoubtedly give you an edge over your competition. So, buckle up, as we explore the fascinating realm of traits in Throne of Liberty.

Understanding Traits:

Traits, in the context of Throne of Liberty, refer to the unique attributes or enhancements that an item can possess. These attributes are acquired through RNG (Random Number Generation) rolls when you either obtain the item as a drop or craft it. For instance, a weapon might have traits like Max Health +150 or Melee Critical Hit, which significantly impact your character’s capabilities.

Trait List:

To identify the traits an item can possess, navigate to your inventory and select the desired item. Click on the “trait list” to reveal a comprehensive list of potential traits associated with that particular item. This feature allows you to plan and strategize, ensuring you acquire the desired traits for optimal character development.

Trait Enhancement:

Enhancing traits involves leveling up the attributes associated with an item. For instance, if your sword has Max Health +150 as a trait, you can enhance it further by adding the same trait again, thus increasing your Max Health. This process can be repeated to maximize the benefits of a specific trait, providing a significant boost to your character’s overall stats.

Exchange System:

The exchange system is a critical component of trait management. It allows you to transfer traits from one item to another, creating a dynamic system for character customization. It’s important to note that you don’t need to extract the trait from an item; having the item with the desired trait is sufficient for the exchange.

Fail Stack System:

The fail stack system comes into play when attempting to transfer traits between items. If the exchange fails, the item being used for the transfer is not lost but gains blessing stacks. These blessing stacks increase the chances of a successful trait transfer in subsequent attempts. Understanding this system is essential for minimizing risks and maximizing success in trait enhancement.

Trait Extraction:

Extracting a trait involves removing it from one item to use it elsewhere. To do this, you need a matching item with the desired trait. Once obtained, go to the gear enchanting screen, select the original item, and choose the trait extraction option. This process allows for strategic trait management and customization.

Unlocking Additional Trait Rows:

To unlock additional trait rows, you must find the same item with a different trait. This item is then used to unlock the subsequent rows, providing more opportunities for trait customization.

Trait Conversion:

If you wish to change the original trait on an item, the trait conversion process comes into play. Utilizing convert potions and the original item with the desired trait, you can alter the trait to match that of the other item.

Market Flipping:

Mastering the market is a crucial aspect of optimizing your character’s traits. You can capitalize on market opportunities by buying items with desirable traits at lower prices and reselling them for a Throne and Liberty Lucent profit. This method requires keen market awareness and strategic decision-making.


Traits in Throne of Liberty represent a complex yet rewarding system that significantly impacts your character’s progression. By understanding the mechanics of traits, exchange systems, and market dynamics, you can gain a competitive advantage in the game. Stay tuned to MMOexp for more in-depth content on the best features and market strategies. Buy cheap TL Lucent and others here! May your characters become legends in their quest, and may your adventures be filled with victory and glory!